Looking forward to your future
If you joined the Plan before 1999, you’re probably a member of the defined benefit (DB) Section, also known as the final salary section, which is now closed to new entrants.
You can find out all about your DB (final salary) pension here.
Your pension in the DB Section is a valuable Company benefit. It’s based on your salary and length of service. While you’re an active member of the DB Section, you pay contributions into the Plan, but the Company also pays into the Plan and bears responsibility for meeting the cost of providing benefits to all members. The amount the Company pays depends on the section rules and is set every three years by the Plan actuary. If you leave Cummins, you stop paying contributions and become a deferred member. Your benefits stay in the Plan until you retire and start taking your pension. When you die, your partner or dependant receives a pension.
Alternatively, you can transfer out of the Plan.